Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chapter 4 : Strange Sightings.....

To let them in the tiny pod, For Wings did get lonely with only Speckle around. I guess 6 other birds would be okay... Wings thought. "Hey! Look!" Shouted Speckle, So loud that all of the birds thought their ears would explode."Oops, Sorry...I guess....I was a little to loud..." Speckle said much quieter. "Yes" Shouted Wings, Aqua-feather, Flare, Faolan, Pepper, And Eclipse all at the same time."Anyway I was saying.....Why I shouted so loud was because...." Speckles voice trailed off. "Because..?" Said Flare. "Because I saw A....."Said Speckle "A what?" Said Wings, anxiously.........

Authors note: Sorry that was a SUPER lame chapter :/. It was kinda short too :P. Wings is the bird on the header :3.

By: Mia776

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chapter 3 : Strange Sightings.....

"Nothing..." Wings said Frantically, "Are you sure?" asked Speckle curiously, "Positive" said Wings, Half annoyed. "Okay...." Said Speckle. Just then.....Wings heard a noise.....It sounded as though Birds were attacking! "Quick! Speckle, Follow Me!!!" Shouted Wings over the loud noise. "Co-o-o-omingg-g-g-g....".
Whats going on!?!?! Wings thought. Nothing had Happened for a long period of time....Just as they were giving up.....They saw 5 birds swoop out of the bushes.....Is that a FALCON!?!?!?!?! Wings was probable just hallucinating.....But then she realized she wasant, Speckle saw it too! So they decided to ask there names...."My name is Bolt-flare, But you can call me Flare" Said the falcon."...My name is Eclipse" Said the Owl. "My Name Is Faolan" Said one of the smaller birds. "My name is Aqua Feather....." Said another bird. "And.....Im Pepper." Said the last of the group of birds. Wings agreed......

By: Mia776

Authors note: AM I making it to much like Misty? How do I make characters come in!?!?! Some1 HEELP :P

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 2 : Strange Sightings.....

Bright yellow eyes staring down at her,For a nano second all Wings could do was panic,Then out of nowhere,A small Humming bird came up from under a bush.The small bird ducked under a branch that was big enough to hide her,She motioned for Wings to follow her lead,By hiding.So quickly Wings ducked under a branch,Big enough to hide her.The giant figure,Looked like it had a bird outline,But was to big to be a bird...A bird could never be that big! Wings thought,Boredly.Just as Wings thought it wasan't safe,A deer came cantering out of the woods,The big vulture swooped past Wings,And went for the deer."Hi" Said Wings."Hello! My name is Speckle! How are you today?!?"Said the bird,"Im doing fine thanks speckles"Wings said,with a ping of sadness."What happend?!?"Asked the so called Speckle,"Nn-n-n-nothing....."Said Wings,With another Prickle of fear going up her spine."No,You can tell me! only if you want though...."Speckle said,With a kind smile."Well....It was......"Wings's voice trailed off.......

Authors Note:Should I start making a banner to sign out? Respond in the comments!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chapter 1 : Strange Sightings...

Wings flew from branch to branch, As she sniffed the cold-air of the Forest, As she made her way to the one tree, That worms were always under.Wings swooped down fiercley watching for worms.Suddenly,There was a sharp screach.That made Wings jump, And lose a feather! Wings looked down,Only to see a blinding light...The light blinded Wings...And her Predator....Then, Wings caught s glimpse of the predator.....It had black paws,A white muzzle,And orange ish fur,And a bushy tail..............Wings thought for a moment.It must be a fox! Wings thought.....Just that second,Wings saw it coming Back! Uh-oh! thought Wings, Panicing.Wings quickly forgot about her prey,And started flying up.About 45 minutes later,Wings got home.Her house was old,And run down.It was passed down threw genorations.Wings was a bit young to be living alone,With out her mom,But she didin't take no for an answer.Just as Wings had went into her house,She heard a loud Screach again.Just as she looked up, She saw............

Authors Note:Is this a little better than What I've been doing? Is it more realistic? -.-

By: Mia776 ;)