Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chapter 3 : Strange Sightings.....

"Nothing..." Wings said Frantically, "Are you sure?" asked Speckle curiously, "Positive" said Wings, Half annoyed. "Okay...." Said Speckle. Just then.....Wings heard a noise.....It sounded as though Birds were attacking! "Quick! Speckle, Follow Me!!!" Shouted Wings over the loud noise. "Co-o-o-omingg-g-g-g....".
Whats going on!?!?! Wings thought. Nothing had Happened for a long period of time....Just as they were giving up.....They saw 5 birds swoop out of the bushes.....Is that a FALCON!?!?!?!?! Wings was probable just hallucinating.....But then she realized she wasant, Speckle saw it too! So they decided to ask there names...."My name is Bolt-flare, But you can call me Flare" Said the falcon."...My name is Eclipse" Said the Owl. "My Name Is Faolan" Said one of the smaller birds. "My name is Aqua Feather....." Said another bird. "And.....Im Pepper." Said the last of the group of birds. Wings agreed......

By: Mia776

Authors note: AM I making it to much like Misty? How do I make characters come in!?!?! Some1 HEELP :P


  1. Thanks Mia!
    Another way your could introduce your characters, is suspense, like a twig snapped above them, and suddenly they heard the shree of a barn owl, they flew up and realized it was a friendly owl named Eclipse with a falcon named Bolt-Flare aka Flare

  2. Thanks for the Advice! I will use it next time a new character comes in ;D. P.S Your welcome XD

  3. Okay, thanks for putting me in. Here's a tip for making characters come in:
    1. Have Wings already be friends with them, and see them flying toward her or she visits them or something.
    2. It's best not to make characters come in large groups at the same time.
    3. (This is a random tip) you should do this:
    "Hi there!" Flare said to Wings.
    "Hello!" Wings said.
    Not: "Hi there!" Flare said to Wings. "Hello!" Wings said.
    You should do the first example, on different lines. To do different lines press Enter. .3.
    4. You should take a little time to introduce characters. Not, like, all at the same time. Even if the person who signed up is impatient they have to wait. If they don't, the story might not be as good.
    5. (Just a tip) don't use more then three of the dots. The dots: .
    That kind of dot.
    Hope this helps c8
    - Jenny7
    P.S. Thanks again for adding Flare!

  4. Welcome :3. Thanks for Advice Jenny! I will somehow conbine Your advice with Spirithowls advice....XD. I will use bolth :D


(●v●) Wings and her friends are still watching you, they would like you to follow these guidelines while commenting:
●No spamming, Such as:●●●●●●●●●●, Please don't do one thing more then ten times.
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Please follow these simple rules and have fun commenting! -Mia :)

(●v●) <-- That is Wings! :)