Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 2 : Strange Sightings.....

Bright yellow eyes staring down at her,For a nano second all Wings could do was panic,Then out of nowhere,A small Humming bird came up from under a bush.The small bird ducked under a branch that was big enough to hide her,She motioned for Wings to follow her lead,By hiding.So quickly Wings ducked under a branch,Big enough to hide her.The giant figure,Looked like it had a bird outline,But was to big to be a bird...A bird could never be that big! Wings thought,Boredly.Just as Wings thought it wasan't safe,A deer came cantering out of the woods,The big vulture swooped past Wings,And went for the deer."Hi" Said Wings."Hello! My name is Speckle! How are you today?!?"Said the bird,"Im doing fine thanks speckles"Wings said,with a ping of sadness."What happend?!?"Asked the so called Speckle,"Nn-n-n-nothing....."Said Wings,With another Prickle of fear going up her spine."No,You can tell me! only if you want though...."Speckle said,With a kind smile."Well....It was......"Wings's voice trailed off.......

Authors Note:Should I start making a banner to sign out? Respond in the comments!


  1. cool chapter mia!cool new username for blogger also =D.guess what? sunce i got suspended from aj,i might get a blogger account!but if not...can i be a author on your blog =3?but i would have to use your account....inless i can get my mom to make me a google account =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    -the hopefull,kara =D

  2. My mom says no to you using my google account D:.Sorry kara D:.I wish she said yes.... :/.WHATS DA ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. my mom thinks it is a yes,but she has to "study" up on it more =P.but she thinks its a yes going to go ask her....i will reply after i go down stairs and ask her =P

    -kara =P

  4. she said: "i dont want your name exposed to google,or phone number" =P -sigh-.and ill tell you on aj what i said back to her...

    -kara =p

    ps i dont know when im allowed to go on aj...oh suspended from aj.....(not being reported) so im a month i will tell you....WHAT!?!?!?! oh whatever....

  5. Yay! Is that a yes Kara? 0.0 .Okay....You can tell me on August 2? THATS SOOOOOOOOOO LONG! :O.But you can still comment here...RIGHT !?!?!?!!?!?!O.O?

  6. we do need peace in jamma.yes i will be able to comment on here!my mom just said that i wasant allowed to go on aj,because she said i go on to much LOL,whitch i only go on like....3 times a month.....

    -kara,who kind-of needs the new den LOL. =Y


  8. kewl story <3 lillyfh


(●v●) Wings and her friends are still watching you, they would like you to follow these guidelines while commenting:
●No spamming, Such as:●●●●●●●●●●, Please don't do one thing more then ten times.
●No Cursing
●No acting inappropriately.
●Please don't tell anyone your personal information or ask anyone for their own.
●Absolutely no bullying or cyber-bullying.

Please follow these simple rules and have fun commenting! -Mia :)

(●v●) <-- That is Wings! :)